
My name is Jack Meng. Currently as of the latest iteration of this webpage I am attending High School (Undisclosed).

In Computer Science, I specialize in general low level & low level graphics. Regarding general low level, I am interested in Low level Language design, with my concurrent project being a node-based scalable language: Yttrius. Regarding other general low level, I enjoy building hardware and software interfaces with one of my latest being a project named: native-util. Moving forward, low level graphics means in terms of either wrapping OpenGL or some other ring-0 pipelines or creating my own that I can then scale up to a high level wrapper. In regards to wrappers, I particularly use them to help me simulate certain things or create libraries to create GUIs; my latest project regarding low level graphics toolkits is: question-mark. Much of these graphics also require me to dive deep into CUDA which I also enjoy learning a lot about.

All of these programs utilize languages in the following categories:

  1. M4
  2. C (ANSI,OBJ-C,CUDA,99)
  3. Elixir (Erlang)
  4. C++ (Cuda,Obj,VSC++)

Besides my specialization, I have also dipped my toes into other fields; for example, software design, networking, & data science. All of these only being part of my hobby projects and not for any serious titles. An example being software design where I mainly used my own pipelines to build GUIs. Networking to host web services and other cluster based services. Data science in terms of learning telemetry.